Because every child is worth protecting:
Amber Child Safety System™
14 Years After the Death of Her Child, Donna Norris, is Still Doing All She Can to Protect Children
I am the Mother of Amber Hagerman (of Amber Alert). In 2009 I lost my father and my husband. My son also moved away to college and I am left with more time to dedicate to the recovery of missing children. No parent should ever know the pain of losing a child the way I did, that's why I am so proud to be a part of this, I know it will help save children… This is the one thing no parent should be without. I know there are a lot of companies out there using my child's name to market their products, but this is the only one that has my permission to use Amber's name, it's the only one I BELIEVE IN…..
I worked very hard to fight for tougher laws regarding sex offenders and testified before Congress in order for a nationwide sex offender database and registry to be formed shortly Amber was abducted and murdered
Donna's daughter, Amber Hagerman (November 25, 1986 - January 17, 1996) was a victim of an abduction and murder On January 13, 1996, she was riding her bike near her grandparents' home in Arlington, Texas, and was kidnapped soon thereafter. Her murder would later inspire the creation of the AMBER ALERT system and the "Amber Hagerman Child Protection Act". Among the sections of the bill was one that would create a national sex offender registry. Donna was present when President Bill Clinton signed into law the bill creating the national sex offender register.
Because every child is worth protecting...
FACT: 2100 children are reported missing every day in the US, that’s about 800,000 every year.
"Parents need much more than just a Child ID kit. The average ID kit parents have for their child will not help Law Enforcement find that child if he or she becomes missing or is abducted. That type of kit gives parents a false sense of security. The information in those kits (finger prints, DNA, ect.) are useful for identifying a body, but not for locating a missing child."
Tad Camp – CEO Amber Child Safety
"Parents need much more than just a Child ID kit. The average ID kit parents have for their child will not help Law Enforcement find that child if he or she becomes missing or is abducted. That type of kit gives parents a false sense of security. The information in those kits (finger prints, DNA, ect.) are useful for identifying a body, but not for locating a missing child."
Tad Camp – CEO Amber Child Safety
Now you can access the most powerful tool available for the protection of your loved ones!
What is the Amber Child Safety System™? This system collects your child's information, starting with his/her description (height, weight, hair color, eye color, marks etc.) We also record and store fingerprints, dental records, and medical information.
You may be thinking: that's nice, but other firms do that too. What makes your company a better choice for my family? The answer is simple; we don't stop with just the basic information listed above. We are just getting started.
We collect information on your child's relationships, specifically, adults your child has contact with. This includes family members, family friends, teachers, sports coach, piano teacher, karate instructor, and friend's parents just to name a few.
Our goal is to collect the information needed to conduct a complete and thorough investigation into abduction or missing child cases. The time saved by police in the first few hours could mean the difference between safe recoveries and..well, you get the point.
Naturally, we recommend you keep the information updated and as complete as possible.
Join the ever growing list of parents taking a proactive stance to protect their children!
Ask yourself:
What would you do if your child went missing? Would you have all the needed information immediately available?
Do you have a list of your child’s friends, their address and phone numbers?
Do you know if a registered sexual offender lives nearby?
Do you know who your child has been talking to online?
Do you have his or her internet passwords?
Would you have current poster quality photos to distribute?
If you were traveling, on vacation or visiting friends would you be able to retrieve vital information to aid in search efforts for your child?
In a moment of panic and stress, could you recall the names of all the adults your child comes in contact with, such as the pool or lawn man? How about the bus driver, ball coach, teachers, friendly guy down the street, Sunday School teacher, or the guy that drives the ice cream truck?
Of course you would not remember all that, but, that information could be very helpful to law enforcement in the search for your child.