Changing stigmas surrounding human trafficking.
That’s what a movie filmed in Genesee County is doing.
"Ring of Silence" made its debut at Flint's Capitol Theater.
Human trafficking is an issue that's not just happening in Genesee County where director Nicole Bowers Wallace wrote Ring of Silence, but across the globe.
“The more I found how prevalent this epidemic is not only in the cities but the suburbs I knew I had to do this movie,” she said.
Hundreds came to see the debut for Ring of Silence. It's shown through the lens of a 17 year old girl. She falls in love with an older man, eventually leading her to the world of sex trafficking. Michigan State Police Detective Trooper Amy Belanger says that's often how it happens.
“Usually the male in the relationship makes them think they have this future together and that's how this movie starts out and when he flips the switch then you start noticing changes. She's raped she's sexually, assaulted,” Belanger said.
Belanger works with Flushing Township Police Chief Brian Fairchild on the Genesee County Human Trafficking Task Force. He hopes this movie sheds light on the signs parents and teens should look for.
“Change in behavior, change in attitude, a sudden lack of attention in school and distancing not wanting you to know who they're dating,” Fairchild said.
Above all Bowers Wallace hopes this film open's people's eyes.
“Most people have no idea what's happening and how big the problem is and that's the biggest thing I want to take away,” she said.
Organizations across Flint stepped up with donations to make this movie happen.