National Center for Missing &
Exploited Children Receives
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Public Safety Grant:
ALEXANDRIA, Va., Dec. 11, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), today announced it has received $130,000 as part of the Motorola Solutions Foundation's Public Safety and Security Institute. The Motorola Solutions Foundation is
the charitable arm of Motorola Solutions Inc. Through the grant, NCMEC's Jimmy Ryce Law
Enforcement Training Center (JRLETC) will be able to offer training and support to law
enforcement that will enhance the
investigative response to cases of missing or sexually exploited children.
The Motorola Solutions Foundation's Public Safety Grants aim to support safety education
and training programs for first responders, their families and the general public in the United States and Canada.
"The courses we offer give law enforcement access to strategies and tools that can help
make their jobs easier and their communities safer," said John Ryan, NCMEC CEO. "We are
grateful to the Motorola Solutions Foundation for helping us continue to provide this important service."
The training is offered through NCMEC's Jimmy Ryce Law Enforcement Training Center,
which was named in memory of 9-year-old Jimmy Ryce, who was abducted and murdered near his Florida home in 1995. Courses are
offered regionally, across the country, and at NCMEC headquarters in Alexandria, Va.
NCMEC trainings annually bring together more than 400 law enforcement agencies from
across the United States.
"Motorola Solutions is dedicated to helping people be their best in the moments that matter," said Matt Blakely, director of the
Motorola Solutions Foundation."Motorola Solutions Foundation aligns itself with this mission by supporting programs like the
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children that train people how to respond to potential safety problems or recover from the
loss of a first responder. We are proud to see these valuable programs make a positive
impact in the communities where we live and work."
Through the Public Safety and Security Institute, the Motorola Solutions Foundation serves as an investor, convener and supporter
of issues that affect the public safety of communities worldwide, providing leadership in the sector to drive innovation and grow and
engage the network of those interested in these issues.
The Motorola Solutions Foundation provides grants around the world with an emphasis on
programming in communities where Motorola Solutions has a significant presence. For 84
years, Motorola has worked side-by-side with law enforcement to develop the solutions that
support its mission. Since 2007, the foundation has provided over $25M in grants to public safety organizations in the U.S and
About the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
established in 1984. Designated by Congress to serve as the nation's clearinghouse on issues related to missing and exploited
children, the organization operates the toll-free 24-hour national missing children's hotline
which has handled more than 3,670,000 calls. It has assisted law enforcement in the recovery of more than 180,000 children. The
organization's CyberTipline has handled more than 1,705,100 reports of child sexual exploitation and its Child Victim Identification
Program has reviewed and analyzed more than 78,447,800 child pornography images
and videos. The organization works in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. To learn more about
NCMEC, call its toll-free, 24-hour hotline at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) or visit its web site at
About Motorola Solutions Foundation The Motorola Solutions Foundation is the
charitable and philanthropic arm of MotorolaSolutions. With employees located around the
globe, Motorola Solutions seeks to benefit the communities where it operates. The company achieves this by making strategic grants,
forging strong community partnerships and fostering innovation. The Motorola Solutions Foundation focuses its funding on public safety, disaster relief, employee programs and
education, especially science, technology, engineering and math programming. For more
information on Motorola Solutions Corporate and Foundation giving, visit
SOURCE National Center for Missing & Exploited Children