Raise The Bounty: Help Bring Home Missing and Abducted Kids for the Holidays
Help a Family's Dream Come True This Holiday Season by Supporting Raise the Bounty's Crowdfunding Campaign
SAN JOSE, CA--(Marketwire - Dec 6, 2012) - Can you imagine what it would feel like to have your child
abducted? Nothing tears a family apart more than a missing child.
This holiday season, help families bring their missing kids home by supporting Raise The Bounty's crowdfunding campaign at
www.Indiegogo.com/RaiseTheBounty. Raise The
Bounty was created with the sole purpose of raising the size of rewards offered -- and making it extremely compelling -- for private citizens to report what they
know to help catch the predators responsible for child abductions.
Through Raise The Bounty, people can register anonymously and offer information to help bring a child
home and/or help the police bring an abductor into custody.
Did you know?
2,185 children under the age of 18 are reported missing each day.
More than 800,000 children are reported missing annually.
About 25 percent of missing children are due to family
abductions. 60,000 children are abducted by someone other than a
family member every year. Many are returned, but sadly, some never make it back home.
For every minute a child is recognized as being gone,
they could be one more mile away from home in an abductor's car, van or truck!
Only the most significant stories about missing kids get noticed by the news media, and typically only small rewards are offered; usually between $1000.00 and $15,000.00. It's very rare that you ever see a reward in the $50,000 or greater range unless the parents are
This holiday season help Raise The Bounty level the playing field for those families who simply
can't get the funds together to help ensure their child's speedy return.
Just one donation can help a distraught family ensure
the return of their missing child. All donations made at
www.Indiegogo.com/RaiseTheBounty will start the
process of building out an advanced website, all the
back end databases, the call center, mobile applications, plus all the collateral material that Raise The Bounty will distribute.
Please make a donation today by visiting www.Indiegogo.com/RaiseTheBounty. Every penny counts.
Contact Information
Media Contact:
Three Girls Media & Marketing Inc.
(408) 871-0377