Trinity Mount Ministries

Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Outdoor Safety Tips: 10 things you can do to Protect Your Kids

From teaching road safety to establishing kid-friendly zones, these tips will help your kids get the most out of outdoor play -- while avoiding anything worse than the usual bumps and bruises.


American children spend over three times as many hours in front of screens as they do outdoors. As children get older, their screen time increases on average, too, giving them less time to spend outside. Yet research suggests unstructured, outdoor play leads to higher self-directed executive functioning in children. In fact, being outdoors and playing in nature are essential to a child's overall health and well-being.

But there's a reason many parents are hesitant to send their children out the front door: outdoor play is simply riskier -- at least on an immediate, physical level -- than watching TV. Luckily, a few simple tricks can help lower the risks to children associated with playing outside.

Use the buddy system

Depending on the ages of your children, independent play can be risky without parents around to monitor it. If a child gets hurt, they might not be able to reach help on their own. Having a buddy around while playing can keep both children safer.

Emphasize personal safety

Educate your children on personal safety, especially when riding bikes, skating and playing sports. Teach your children the importance of wearing a helmet and that it's non-negotiable. Elbow and knee pads and other sports-specific gear are helpful protective measures. Instilling the importance of protective gear and helmet-wearing at all times when they're young ensures they'll make safer choices as they gain more independence. 

Have a plan

In case of an emergency, you should already have a home safety plan in place. But do you also have a plan in place for your older kids as they gain more independence? When your children are old enough to leave your yard or venture away from your building, they should know what to do if they're hurt or need help of any other kind.

Talk through potential hazards with them, letting them ask questions along the way. Do they understand where to go, what to do and who to contact if something happens to them, a friend or even a stranger? Is there a plan B if you're not home, or if they can't reach you?

Use smart security as an extra pair of eyes

Chris Monroe/CNET

While many parents develop keen ears for hearing their child's distant cry -- including whether it's playful or genuine -- an extra set of eyes when the kids are outside can't hurt. Having an outdoor home security camera doesn't just protect your home; it can also give you another way to ensure child safety outdoors. Most smart security cameras can be monitored from smartphones, and some even boast smart features, like animal detection, facial recognition and person alerts, which can help give you more detailed notifications while your children play.

Remember road safety

Personal safety isn't the only thing kids should be educated about when they're playing outdoors. Many children are unaware of the surrounding dangers when outdoors until an adult explains it. Children walking and biking should know the rules of the road, including how to obey traffic laws and the correct traffic flow, like riding with the flow of traffic off to the right instead of against it. If your child has to walk a few blocks to get to the basketball court or nearest playground, do a trial run for their first time and help them navigate the roads -- using crosswalks and looking both ways for cars along the way so they know the right path to take.

Set up a kid-friendly zone

If you're lucky enough to have a backyard or other outdoor area for your kids to play, make sure it's kid-friendly by protecting against common hazards. Pools and hot tubs should be securely closed and locked to prevent accidental injuries or worse. Toys and playhouses should be checked for insect nests, snakes and other unwelcome critters (these will differ based on where you live).

Scan the yard for other potential hazards, like dead tree branches or poison ivy that may have creeped in from the neighbor's yard. If you have a trampoline or are planning to get one, know how to level it properly, especially if your yard is sloped.

For those who don't have a yard, it's important to create age-appropriate boundaries before children can safely play outdoors without an adult. There may be a creek nearby you want them to avoid, or a busy intersection they should steer clear of. Walk the boundaries, teaching them where they can and can't go along the way. If your apartment building has rules -- for instance, kids can play in the garden but aren't allowed to open the exterior door -- make sure your kiddos know the rules and can repeat them so you know they understand.

Keep track of the kids

A bit of freedom goes a long way toward unstructured play for your child's physical and mental growth, but you can't be everywhere with them. One solution is an age-appropriate tracker that can show you where they are, even without them checking in. (We recommend using these trackers only with the knowledge of your children.) You can use tracking services built into smartphones and watches, or use a separate device.

Remember medical considerations

Preparing a child with allergies or other medical issues for outdoor fun might take a couple of extra steps before they're ready to head out the door.

Make sure your children have any medication they need readily available, especially for serious allergies like bee stings. For children who need an inhaler, practice with them so they know when and how to administer their medicine on their own. If your child needs medication at a specific time, make sure they have an alarm set to come back home to take their medicine when needed, or have a system in place for them to safely take it while outside.

Even if your children don't have these concerns, that doesn't mean their friends don't. Check with parents of your children's friends to be sure you're not packing snacks that could lead friends to have serious allergic reactions.

Encourage seasonal preparation

David Priest/CNET

Children should stay well hydrated before, during and after outdoor activities -- especially when the weather is hot. Check on them every half hour to make sure they stay hydrated, and more often during hotter months. Know the signs of dehydration and have rehydration solutions like Pedialyte readily available in cases of mild dehydration.

In winter months, children should wear layers of warm, brightly colored clothes appropriate for the temperatures in your area. This way, they can remove or add layers based on temperature fluctuations, especially around dusk and dawn.

In general, asking what the kids plan to do before they leave for an hours-long play session is a good idea, too: if they say they're building a snow fort, you can remind them not to tunnel under heavy snow; if they say they're playing baseball in the street, you can remind them to watch for cars.

Set check-in timers

Kids can easily lose track of time when they're outside having fun. Help them remember to check in regularly by setting an alarm or reminder on their smartphone or tracker. You can also get an inexpensive smart speaker to set outside that will remind them to check in.


Encouraging outdoor play can have a lasting positive effect on your kids. But if you want to avoid any injuries worse than the usual bumps and bruises, following some safety tips can make a big difference. Make indoor and outdoor home security easier with some of these recommendations:

Thursday, November 25, 2021

AngelSense GPS Tracker Saves Life of Abducted Girl with Autism

Parents of a 15 year old girl with autism believe her AngelSense GPS Tracker for Autism saved her life after she was abducted and assaulted in Rowlett, TX. Although AngelSense isn’t designed specifically for these instances, the fact that her parents were notified that she was in an unexpected location, that they could use the 2-way speakerphone to hear what was happening, and that they were able to use the device to pinpoint her location all played a crucial part in getting her back safely.

AngelSense GPS Safety Device for Autism Saves Teen’s Life

The teenage girl with autism wears the Angelsense GPS Safety Device so her parents can keep track of her. Nearly 50% of those with autism have an issue with elopement and are in need of extra safety precautions. Many parents also use the device to safely allow their children who are teens and young adults more freedom and independence.

Her parents say she was forced into a car while she was on a walk by herself. They instantly received a text message that alerted them to the fact that she was at an unusual location. AngelSense is the only GPS location tracking device that has alerts for unknown or unexpected places. It uses advanced data learning to monitor daily routines and let parents know if something is off. These intelligent iAlerts, send notifications via push, SMS, and email and use continuous location monitoring to ensure reliability.

ialerts with angelsense

AngelSense’s Transit Monitoring Feature Used to Retrace Attacker’s Route

AngelSense has a special feature specifically to track movement in a vehicle, which was used by police to trace the perpetrator’s route and get valuable video images of the car used in the abduction. AngelSense is the only GPS tracker for kids that allows parents to access a detailed history for each and every transit. This is usually used for children who take the school bus, so parents can have peace of mind knowing that their loved one made it to school safely. It also tells parents how fast the vehicle is going and their loved one’s estimated time of arrival which is continually updated. In the case of an accident or breakdown, parents receive are notified of unusual activity. It is also the only device that alerts parents if their child gets off at the wrong stop.

This lifesaving feature has saved countless lives and given so many parents of children with special needs peace of mind. Unlike other devices out there, AngelSense was created and designed for special needs. Due to this, the safety features offered go above and beyond what standard GPS trackers can provide.

Police Lieutenant David Nabors told CBS News, “It’s excellent because very rarely do you have that detailed of information when you’re looking at sexual assault. Sometimes when they’re in the car, victims are so scared they’re not able to tell you where they were. This GPS device can tell us down to feet.”

get it. it's worth it. it can save your kid's life.

Mother Used AngelSense’s Assistive Speaker Phone to Hear the Assault

AngelSense is equipped with an assistive speakerphone designed for those with special needs. It has an auto-pickup feature, that allows parents to call the device and either listen in or speak to their child without their child having to answer. The mother used the device to call her daughter once she received the alert. Not knowing her daughter was in danger, the call confirmed her worst nightmare as she heard her daughter struggle and the sexual assault taking place. She used the speakerphone to yell at the attacker who then took off with her still in the car.

The mother quickly used the live location map to drive to where the device said her daughter was and follow the vehicle to where she found her daughter frantically running down an alley. Her mother is convinced that had the attacker not become aware of her AngelSense device her daughter would have endured much worse and most probably wouldn’t have been released.

The mother told CBS News, “I think this device saved her life, or from being gang-raped, because it was going to go to that. That’s what [I heard the suspect say].”

See the news report here.

angelsense safeguard gps

What Makes AngelSense the Best Option for Children with Special Needs

AngelSense has one mission – protect those who are vulnerable. The co-founders and most of the employees are parents of children with autism, special needs, and intellectual disabilities. These children often have no sense of danger and are prone to running off – a diagnosis called wandering. It is a life-threatening occurrence that keeps parents up at night. AngelSense used personal experience and real-life situations to develop a comprehensive safety device specifically with the challenges those with special needs face. From sensory sensitive wearing options that are non-removable to the assistive speakerphone and non-intrusive SOS button, AngelSense is the only GPS safety device for those who need extra support.

There are several premium lifesaving features included with the monthly service plan that ensures maximum protection of your loved one. For a detailed look at the features and what makes AngelSense different from other options, read AngelSense’s Service Plan – Why Maximum Safety Costs More

Sunday, November 7, 2021

CyberTipline - NCMEC - Trinity Mount Ministries - REPORT ABUSE! 1-800-843-5678

 Help Find Missing Children. Let's Put An End To Child Abuse And Exploitation... Care. 


NCMEC’s CyberTipline is the nation’s centralized reporting system for the online exploitation of children. The public and electronic service providers can make reports of suspected online enticement of children for sexual acts, child sexual molestation, child sexual abuse material, child sex tourism, child sex trafficking, unsolicited obscene materials sent to a child, misleading domain names, and misleading words or digital images on the internet.

What Happens to Information in a CyberTip?

NCMEC staff review each tip and work to find a potential location for the incident reported so that it may be made available to the appropriate law-enforcement agency for possible investigation. We also use the information from our CyberTipline reports to help shape our prevention and safety messages.

Is Your Image Out There?

Get Support

One of the worst things about having an explicit image online is feeling like you’re facing everything alone. But you have people who care for you and want to help. Reach out to them!

A trusted adult can offer advice, help you report, and help you deal with other issues. It could be your mom, dad, an aunt, a school counselor, or anyone you trust and are comfortable talking to. You can also “self report” by making a report on your own to the CyberTipline.

Families of exploited children often feel alone in their struggle and overwhelmed by the issues affecting their lives. NCMEC provides assistance and support to victims and families such as crisis intervention and local counseling referrals to appropriate professionals. Additionally, NCMEC’s Team HOPE is a volunteer program that connects families to others who have experienced the crisis of a sexually exploited child.

Don't Give Up

Having a sexual exploitative image of yourself exposed online is a scary experience. It can make you feel vulnerable and isolated, but remember, others have been in the same situation as you – and they’ve overcome it. Learn the steps you can take to limit the spread of the content.

By the Numbers

In 2020, reports to the CyberTipline increased by 28% from 2019.

The 21.7 million reports of child sexual exploitation made to the CyberTipline in 2020 included 65.4 million images, videos and other files. These materials contained suspected child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and other incident related content.

Electronic Service Providers make the majority of reports, but reports of online sexual exploitation from the public more than doubled in 2020.


Learn more about online exploitation and safety.

Coping with Child Sexual Abuse (CSAM) Exposure For Families

Production and Active Trading of Child Sexual Exploitation Images Depicting Identified Victims

Trends Identified in CyberTipline Sextortion Reports

The Online Enticement of Children: An In-Depth Analysis of CyberTipline Reports

How NCMEC is responding to the ever-changing threats to children online.