I think it is hilarious how the world of social media seems very upset since the brilliant and wealthy man, Elon Musk, purchased Twitter! "That’s it! I'm leaving Twitter!" Twitter is ruined!" "Advertisers are leaving Twitter!" Etc., ad nauseum!
The only thing I know: When I founded Trinity Mount Ministries back in 2011, the two main social media platforms that would be instrumental for the cause of sharing information about Missing and exploited children, related news articles and child safety content would be Twitter and Facebook. Now, as we are approaching 2023, (12 years later) this remains true. No other social media platforms comes close to the combination of Twitter and Facebook, in relation to Trinity Mount Ministries, Trinity Mount Global Missing Kids and Trinity Mount International Missing Kids.
So, leave these platforms if you must... I will continue to utilize these valuable tools for the above-mentioned cause: helping to find missing and exploited children, domestically and internationally, as well as promoting child safety. I hardly think Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg are too concerned about anybody's departure(s) from their social media platforms. My guess - these two platforms will do whatever necessary to stay afloat.
The only difference I've noticed on Twitter: it's interesting and even exciting to some extent. I've always believed and maintain this to be true: if you don't like what someone shares: ignore it, fight against it, block it, protest it... though, a platform is there for you to use as well, as you see fit...to some extent. I believe in moderation as well as free speech. They can co-exist... when clear, cool and sound heads prevail.
Brett Fletcher, Founder of Trinity Mount Ministries
@TrinityMount https://www.twitter.com/TrinityMount