Trinity Mount Ministries

Showing posts with label LinkedIn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LinkedIn. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Facebook - Blocking Missing Children Posters and Child Safety Posts...AGAIN!

Now - this message is being shared on LinkedIn, Twitter and the Trinity Mount Ministries Blog:

Dear Facebook Administration - thank you for - once again - blocking Trinity Mount Ministries for the next week:

What did I do wrong this time? As if you're actually going to treat me like a paying client rather than an algorithm. Do you not like my posts of missing children posters and child safety posts?

Also, I've been trying to pay my Facebook ads bill for months - you tell me in one of your automatic messages that I don't have authority to make my payment?

Once again, Facebook is attacking our efforts to help find missing children and protect children by promoting child safety.

Like before - when you restricted me from posting Trinity Mount Ministries alerts and notifications, I will publish this issue to multimedia outlets and everywhere else I can post it.

Once again, it seems like Facebook Administration is against the safety and well-being of children...what a shame.

Brett Fletcher, MHRS, MS.Psy, Th.G - Founder of Trinity Mount Ministries

PS - This is no way to treat a client that has spent thousands of dollars on Facebook ads. I wish your boss -  Mark Zuckerberg could read this. But, no, that won't happen. I'm sure he's too busy to deal with your many mistakes throughout the many years concerning banning the efforts of Trinity Mount Ministries to make a difference in the lives of children locally, statewide, nationally and globally, as well as our efforts to combat Child Trafficking and promote child safety. Once again, nice job Facebook.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Facebook Blocks Trinity Mount Ministries Blog - Missing Children Posters / Child Safety

By Brett Fletcher  

UPDATE - Facebook blocks Trinity Mount Ministries blog: Please read this report.

The Trinity Mount Ministries blog posts that Facebook is continuing to block can be viewed at -

Twitter -
LinkedIn -

Brett Fletcher, MHRS, MS.Psy, Th.G, Founder of Trinity Mount Ministries

Facebook continues to block Trinity Mount Ministries blog posts: Latest post blocked - Trinity Mount Ministries - DOJ - PROJECT Safe Childhood - Justice News

Project Safe Childhood is a nationwide initiative to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse launched in May 2006 by the Department of Justice.

UPDATE - Facebook blocking Trinity Mount Ministries blog:

1. LinkedIn - and Twitter - - allow the posts that Facebook is blocking.

2. The Trinity Mount Ministries blog that Facebook is blocking only shares posts concerned with helping missing and exploited children as well as child safety in general.

3. Facebook claims people on Facebook  find Trinity Mount Ministries blog as abusive :

Facebook to Trinity Mount Ministries:


Your message couldn't be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.]

5. This issue has been brought to the attention of Facebook administration numerous times over the past few days since the banning of Trinity Mount Ministries blog posts. They have yet to address this issue.

6. Trinity Mount Ministries has posted their blog posts since 2011. Trinity Mount Ministries is a paying customer to Facebook for advertising: Facebook have offered paid advertising for the Trinity Mount Ministries blog posts that they blocked as being inappropriate.

7. Facebook is the only social media outlet that blocks Trinity Mount Ministries blog posts, which are concerning the protection, safety and well-being of children, as well as offering support to parents and families of missing children.

Trinity Mount Ministries will continue to bring the actions of Facebook regarding Trinity Mount Ministries blog posts being blocked. Facebook was established on Facebook since 2011. Since that time to the present Trinity Mount Ministries have posted blog posts on Facebook, but recently they are being blocked from posting without explanation from Facebook why this is happening.

Trinity Mount Ministries blog will continue to bring awareness to missing and exploited children as well as provide child safety reports and information, regardless of the actions of Facebook towards Trinity Mount Ministries.

The Trinity Mount Ministries blog posts that Facebook is continuing to block can be viewed at -

Twitter - and LinkedIn -

Brett Fletcher, MHRS, MS.Psy, Th.G, Founder of Trinity Mount Ministries