By Brett Fletcher - Founder of Trinity Mount Ministries
Facebook Admin continues to block, restrict and suppress Trinity Mount Ministries from:
1. Sharing AMBER Alerts and updates.
2. Sharing child safety information.
3. Sharing missing children posters and updates.
4. Sharing police and public safety alerts and updates.
4. Sharing Community events and services.
5. Sharing posts of faith and inspiration.
6. Sharing news articles and reports.
Facebook treats their users as if they were little children, attempting to punish their disobedience with restrictions and time outs. I've been to Facebook HQ several times for paid research sessions, being surprised by how young the Facebook staff and employees were, which might explain their rules, policies and procedures and how they are implemented. Their disciplinary actions cause laughter, anger and disbelief.
In order to maintain their control over free speech and/or anything that goes against their agenda - blocking, restricting and suppression[a] are their modus operandi.[b] Facebook is not in the business of respecting people's rights and can block, restrict, suppress or remove anything that they want to without any repercussions. That is just they way their culture is and I accept that. Nevertheless, my hope is that Facebook Admin might read this without bias, recognizing what type of content they are blocking, restricting and/or suppressing (such as posts to help and protect missing and exploited children), and reconsider some of their policies that cause more harm than help.
Brett Fletcher - Founder of Trinity Mount Ministries
[a] the action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication.
[b] a particular way or method of doing something, especially one that is characteristic or well-established.
Trinity Mount Ministries